Hillbrow To Braamfontein Is A Booming Investors Dream

Category Advice

The Constitutional Court of South Africa is predicted to be set up in the 19th century fort in Braamfontein, as a part of the internal urban rejuvenation which will breathe in life to the region from Hillbrow to Braamfontein, also affecting areas such as Berea and Yeoville. The court architecture will be user friendly, with lots of space. Every sub project is estimated to integrate with the communities in the neighborhood, with retail, commercial, residential and recreational amenities. It is supposed to be a 24 hour facility.

The Great African Steps is also projected to be a major development. It is thought to link the ‘native jail’ with South African democracy, which is being highly anticipated, given the contradictory nature of the past history. The steps are to be embellished with native African art.

Blue IQ invests around R357m in the initial phase. Out of the total projected investment of R450m, the remaining comes from the constitutional and justice development department and the City of Johannesburg. In phase II, the costs are expected to rise to R710m. The site that has been renamed Constitutional Hill, is being jointly developed by the constitutional and justice development department and the JDA Johannesburg Development Agency.

Other planned developments except the court incorporate building commercial offices, construction of a site for containing constitutional commissions, hotel, restaurant, conference and recreation amenities, housing, refurbishment and landscaping the prison, constructing libraries, museums and archives with political and cultural significance. These various types of investment property create many opportunities for investors. The site is estimated to embody the nation’s history of the 20th century and the context is all the more highlighted since it was at the Braamfontein prison that captives including Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi were incarcerated.

Apartheid victims were also housed in the Old Fort. Pass law offenders also have sour recollections of the Fort which ceased to be a prison from 1987 onwards. The Constitution Hill development aims to turn the heritage site to a tourist spot for which museums, restaurants, conference and banquet facilities and hotels are being developed.

The Fort was a natural choice on account of its historical significance. Moreover, the Constitutional Court is a sign of the national democracy. What was needed was just to make the project economically viable. The elaborate master plan acts as a constitutional guide along with residential, commercial, retail and tourist or recreational facilities. With the apartheid memories still ingrained in the minds of people, the constructional developments signify the hailing of a new democratic order. A few parts of the jail have been brought down and the materials have been stored for being used in the creation of the Constitutional Court.

The contract for constructing the Constitutional Court of R875m had been awarded to WBHO and Rainbow Construction. The women’s jail, fort, as well as sections 4 and 5, are being brought in for repair and renovation for tourism, heritage and educational activities. All the artwork specifications have been completed. The development is a total of 16 sub projects that are under effect. Despite the project being in its developmental stages, the private sector including hoteliers and retailers has shown interest.

Author: IMAGINE Properties

Submitted 03 Nov 16 / Views 2867